Henshaw Trust
St Hugh's CE Primary School is part of the Henshaw Trust. The aim of the Trust is the promotion of Gods Kingdom through the provision of Primary and Secondary Schools where the faith and worship of the Church of England can be taught and practised and the children brought to Confirmation and worshipping membership of the Church. The school works together with the Trust to achieve our common aim.
Our aim at St Hugh’s is to make sure that every child has as much access and experience of high quality Religious Education provision. This is enhanced by having external religious visitors, visit to places of different religions and high quality artefacts which will enrich every child’s experience of Religious Education throughout school.
2019-20 Henshaw Trust Bid
In 2019-20 the school applied to the Henshaw Trust for a bid for enhancement activities to enable the children at St Hugh's to experience a high quality RE provision. This we utilised during a special RE fortnight which consisted of visits for KS2 to Manchester Cathedral, KS1 to the Local Parish Church and a visit to a local Mosque for Year s 2 and 6, special visitors into school including the Jewish museum, Barnabus in Schools, David Mason a poet, the Fairy God Mum and Groundbreakers. The Fortnight culminated in a special ethos day with visitors and special activities where the children worked together to bring our school vision statement "Be the change you want to see in the World" to life.
Below are some of the comments from the children and information about the special week:
'Thank you so much for RE Fortnight, where we looked at ‘Friendship, Forgiveness and Peace.’Every class in the school went to Manchester Cathedral or to St Thomas Church.' (Oliwia, Year 5)
'During RE fortnight we had lots of fun. The theme for the fortnight was ‘Friendship, Forgiveness and Peace’ and we looked at this through Christianity and other religious, including Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Everything we did during RE fortnight was fun, so thank you.' (Brooke, Year 5)
Thank you very much The Henshaw Trust for allowing us to have these experiences. (Victoria D, Year 5)
Manchester Cathedral Trips for Year 3, 4, 5 and 6
Key Stage 2 went to Manchester Cathedral and explored the religious history of both Manchester and the history the Cathedral had to offer. Children from all classes enjoyed learning about the history of the Saints of the Church and the meanings behind the contemporary windows created. We also learnt that not all the history of the Church is religious and how a wartime disaster in 1940 lead to the building and naming of the Regiment Chapel and lots of the renovating of Manchester Cathedral. (James, Year 6)
We went to Manchester Cathedral and we did brass rubbings, made stained glass windows and we wore church clothes with symbols on which reflected different times of the church year. We then looked at wooden carvings in the Quire and did some drama around the stories they depicted. (Orind, Year 5)
When we got to the Cathedral, we started out by wearing different church clothes, which had different symbols to remember God and Jesus. One had grapes and wheat to represent the Last Supper. The different colours all had separate meanings.
- Yellow and white was happy, special times
- Purple was worn for sad times
- Red is worn for Pentecost and
- Green represented the trinity and everything else. (Warren, Year 5)
Barnabas Workshops
During RE fortnight, we had a visit from Lisa Debney from the Barnbas in Schools team. She taught us the story of the Prodigal Son and looked at key stories Jesus told about Friendship and Forgiveness. Every class took part in drama to help us remember these stories. (Lucie, Year 6)
Lisa read us a story called The Prodigal Son and some people acted it out in assembly, which was very funny. (Kiera, Year 5)
Synagogue in a Box, Manchester Jewish Museum
Year 6 were meant to be going on a school trip to the Manchester Jewish Museum but as it was having renovations, a lady came from the Museum to complete a workshop with us in class. They showed us some of the most valuable possessions within a Synagogue and to Jewish people and then as a class we each had to make our own item to build our own class Synagogue. We had lots of fun making our own Torah! (Lucie, Year 6)
Diary of a Disciple Workshop, Groundbreakers
Mary, Jo and Hannah from Groundbreakers visited our class. We did some drama, crosswords and made little booklets at discussed the diary of Luke, one of Jesus’ disciples. We looked at the story of Zechariah who married Elizabeth and had no children and discussed the importance of the story. (Victoria D, Year 5)
From Mary’s workshop, I now know that there’s a whole SIX BILLION copies of the Bible sold worldwide! We all got to act, read, discuss and have fun in one lesson learning about Zachariah was so much fun! (Taylor, Year 5)
Ethos Day – Friday 24th January 2020
Over the course of the Ethos day we did lots of different activities with our class around the theme for the fortnight.
Creative Writing and Drama with David Mason, Inspire to Write
Years 3 to 6 had wonderfull sessions of drama and writing with David Mason.
School Mission Statement Mural with Wendy Moore, Fairy God Mum
Years 3 to 6 helped the Fairy God Mum to design and create our school mural in the hall. The school mural represents our new School Vision; “Be the change you want to see in the world” (Gandhi)
‘To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.’ (Hebrews 11:1) (Alliyha, Year 6)
Friendship Bracelets
The whole school made Friendship Bracelets for people they care for within the classrooms and were encouraged to swap them with someone we don’t usually talk to. When swapping the friendship bracelets, they had made, we had to say nice things to one another. (Bradley, Year 6 and Kyara, Year 5)
Letters to the World
Dance and Drama Workshop with Danielle, Oldham Sport Development
Nursery to Year 2 all enjoyed doing a Friendship/Dance workshop with Danielle from Sport Development. We all had to work with someone we don’t always play or talk to and had to mirror each other’s actions while we got to know each other.

2018-19 Henshaw Trust Bid
In 2018-19 The school applied to the Henshaw Trust successfully with the aim of providing the following learning opportunities for the children:
1. Barnabas Day ‘Who is my neighbour?’
Through workshops, children will explore issues involved in caring for others, the nature of compassion and the building blocks that form creative communities.
2. Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award
The Young Leaders Award is a unique active citizenship programme which empowers young people to make a difference in their local community. Designed to form part of the school curriculum, the Young Leaders Award offers an exciting opportunity for young people to engage in new learning experiences, discover the benefits of volunteering, and grow in leadership, character, and key life skills.
Pupils will be inspired to take action, start serving others and make a difference in their communities. We will to run the programme initially with our Year 4 class, but we would like to extend it out further across KS2 over time.
3. Wall Mounted Crosses for each Classroom
Whilst each classroom has a dedicated display area for Religious Education, as a Christian school we feel it is important that children should have a focal point for acts of worship. We are fortunate to have the Church based within our school building which enables us to use the altar and surrounding area during our whole school assemblies, providing an ideal focal point. With funding we will be providing a wall mounted cross in each classroom, designed by children from the school.
Please visit the news and events section of the website to see each cross and the designs.
4. Resources to support new Diocesan RE Scheme
We will renew some of our ‘artefacts’ to enable exciting teaching of other religions, as they have been well used and are beginning to tire.
We would like to purchase a toolkit of resources to use in the teaching to stimulate children through hands on experience. The toolkit would include items to enable us to teach the new Diocesan scheme and in interactive way.
5. Visit to Muslim Mosque - Promoting Tolerance and Opposing Extremism
The Oldham Muslim Centre works actively to promote tolerance and understanding and along with all the local mosques, is a member of the Oldham Mosque Council. This binds together Muslims from different backgrounds and strands of Islam. The Oldham Muslim Centre have excellent interfaith relations and frequently work with local schools. Several times each year they open the doors of the mosque and centre, inviting people to visit and view an exhibition about Islam and Muslims. Imams and community workers encourage constructive engagement in society and a rejection of extremism in all its forms.
As the majority of the population of our school are White British, the children tend not to come across or experience other faiths, other than through RE. We have taken children on visits to the Mosque in previous years, and the ‘hands on’ experience has proved to be rewarding and has enhanced their understanding.
6. Visit to the Manchester Jewish Museum
Manchester Jewish Museum can offer pupils a unique day of exploration and discovery in one of Manchester’s most beautiful religious buildings. Using objects and images from the museum’s collection the children will explore the origins of the Jewish community in Manchester. Pupils will discover Jewish Faith through engaging, interactive and sensory activities created to encourage exploration and discovery.
Again, as the majority of the population of our school are White British, the children tend not to come across or experience other faiths, other than through RE at school. Taking groups of children on visits provides an excellent stimulus to kick start an area of new learning.
The school has submitted a bid for 2019-20 and is planning to use the funding to pay for further visits to the Jewish Museum and the local Mosque, Barnabus in Schools, The Arch Bishop of York Award, resources to suppliment the RE scheme and a permanent feature in the hall to display the school's uniquely Christian vision and values, designed and made by the children.