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Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome to Year 5! We’re really looking forward to the challenges this year will bring and building on our knowledge from last year.

Our class teacher is Mrs Seddon and our teaching assistant is Miss Broadbent.

In writing this year, we will be studying a range of different writing genres based on a variety of videos, picture books and novels. We will continue to write extended pieces regularly to embed taught skills. Our reading lessons will focus on using reading gems and continuing to develop our fluency. In Maths we will be using Maths Shed alongside other materials to develop our mathematical skills. We will be covering numbers up to 1,000,000 this year. Retrieval will also be a key part of our curriculum to ensure that all the knowledge we have learnt sticks.

Our wider curriculum will be taught in 2 week blocks throughout the year, please see the curriculum overview for more information. We will be studying topics such as World War 1, Rainforests and Fairtrade, which will be very exciting!

This year:

Swimming will take place on Friday afternoons in Autumn term.

Music will take place on Tuesday afternoons.

PE will take place on Tuesday afternoons.

Reading book bags will be given out and returned daily. Please take the time to read every day.

Home learning will consist of using the Edshed website for spellings and times tables.

Twinkl Home learning

Year 5 End of Year National Curriculum Expectations

Please click on the link to see the key learning expectations from the  National Curriculum for Year 5.

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