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Consultation on Proposed Changes to Admissions Criteria for September 2026

Reception Admissions

Oldham operates a co-ordinated admissions scheme, where the council allocates all the places for children starting school in Reception.

You must apply for a Reception place at a specific time of year, normally between October and January to start school in the following September.

If your child already attends our Nursery, you must still apply for a Reception place.

You can find out more about applying for a primary school place on the Oldham Council Website.

Please refer to the information letter below about Primary School applications.

In-Year Transfers to St Hugh's

If your child currently attends another school, but you would like a place at St Hugh's, you must forllow Oldham Council's In-Year Transfer process.

You will need to complete a tranfer form, which will need to be signed by your current school and then forwarded to Oldham Council.

You can find copies of the form and further information about transferring school here.

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