Role of the Governing Board
Welcome to the section of our website where you can find out more about the work of the governing body and who’s who.
There are currently 10 people on the Governing Body (GB) including parents, members of staff, representatives from the Manchester Diocese, the Local Authority and our local community. We meet six times per year as a whole group and in between for committees and training.
Governors are part of the strategic leadership of the school and have a role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. One of the ways in which we do this is by challenging and supporting the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their leadership of the school.
Our duties include ensuring clear plans for school improvement are in place, holding the Headteacher to account and managing school resources. In addition, we are involved in key staff appointments and developing policies and procedures that meet the needs of the school. As well as making progress and achieving we want every child to enjoy and thrive during their time at St Hugh’s.
The governing body is interested in hearing the views of stakeholders and you are welcome to contact the Chair of Governors via the school office.
You can see the names and positions held, as well as further information about our Governors by visiting the Governing Body pages on this website.
More about our role
Governing bodies are an integral part of the school leadership team and are responsible for;
- setting the Christian ethos of the school;
- developing the school improvement plan
- making decisions about expenditure of the school budget
- challenging and holding the Headteacher to account
- They also monitor the implementation of the policies developed in consultation with the school leadership team.
Sometimes the governing body is referred to as the critical friend of the school. It is a strategic role: governors are not involved in the day to day running of the school: that is the responsibility of the Headteacher.
As our school is a voluntary aided Church of England school, the governing body is the employer of the staff.
Attendance at meetings is only open to governors and occasionally other invited parties.
More about the different types of governor
Our Constitution or Instrument of Government determines the number and type of governors required. At St Hugh’s we have 4 different types and a total of 12 places on the governing body.
- Parent Governors – chosen from parents of children registered to attend school.
- Local Authority Governors - normally recruited internally and then approval by the Local Authority or can be appointed by the Local Authority from pool of governor volunteers with agreement of the governing body.
- Headteacher
- Foundation Governors - representing the Church and appointed by St. Hugh’s Church and the local diocese.
- Staff Governors – comprising the Headteacher who automatically has the option of a place on the governing body, and a member of staff elected by the staff.
At the start of each year the governing body appoints the Chair, Vice Chair and committee members for a period of one year; all individuals can be re-elected to these positions.
Governors have a term of office of 4 years from the date they are appointed.
If you are interested in becoming a school governor at this school, or another Oldham school, please talk to the school office for more information. You can also register your interest in becoming a Local Authority Governor here: